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.\.الأن وحصريا أشهى الحلويات وأحسنهم شكلا .\.مصوره .\. بس بالأنجليزي

[align=center]بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمـ



السلام عليكمـ ـ..

أول طبق :-

أصابع الشوكالاتا

الطريقه :-
To make our chocolate salami you’ll need:

Chocolate, apricots, glace cherries, raisins, mini white marshmallows and some icing sugar.

Get started by breaking up the 200g of chocolate.

You can either do this by hand, or by putting it into a polythene bag and giving it a good whack with a rolling pin!

Once you’ve broken up the chocolate, you need to melt it.

Do this by carefully pouring some recently-boiled water into a bowl. Fill it to about a quarter full.

Put the broken chocolate into a smaller bowl and place it in the larger bowl. The heat from the water will melt the chocolate, you just have to give it an occasional stir.

While the chocolate is melting, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients. You need 50g of apricots, 50g of raisins, 50g of glace cherries and 50g of mini white marshmallows.

When the chocolate has melted, take it out of the bowl with the water and add in the rest of the ingredients.

Give the whole thing a thorough stir until everything has been covered by the chocolate!

Now take some cling film or clear wrap and lie it flat on a chopping board.

Now, spoon out the chocolate-covered mixture into a sausage shape on the cling film or clear wrap.

[img]Now take some cling film or clear wrap and lie it flat on a chopping board.[/img]

Fold the cling film or clear wrap up. This will help you to mould the mixture into a sausage shape.

Twist the ends and tuck them underneath, then transfer the wrapped mixture into the fridge for about half an hour, until it’s cool to the touch.

When it comes out of the fridge it’ll be very firm.

Peel off the clear wrap, then dust the sausage in icing sugar to make it look more like salami.

Then put it back into the fridge for another four hours.

All you have to do then is slice and serve!


For a different – or more realistic – salami, why not try using white chocolate and adding some red food colouring?

Equally delicious!

يتبع …



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الطبخه الثانيه :-

كعكه على شكل كرة قدم

الطريقه :-

You’ll need two one litre oven-proof bowls, but don’t worry if you haven’t got two – you can still make the cake with one!

In a bigger mixing bowl, mix 250g of butter with 250g of caster sugar

Add to this 250g of self raising flour, five eggs and two and half teaspoons of baking powder.

Drop in a dash of vanilla essence too, then mix thoroughly.

Lightly grease your oven-proof bowl(s) and lightly cover the inside with flour.

Divide the mixture evenly between the two bowls.

If you haven’t got two bowls, the mixture will keep perfectly well in the fridge whilst the first cake cooks.

Cook for 45 minutes on 150 degrees celsius (gas mask 3) until they’re well risen and firm to the touch.

Strawberry jam makes a great filling. Just add a generous amount to the flat part of one cake, then spread it out to the edges using a back of the spoon

When done, add the second cake on the top, like this.

Next comes the icing.

You need some white, ready-made icing for this. Roll it out into a circle.

The easiest way to pick it up is to lay it over a rolling pin, like this.

Lay it over the cake, like this.

Tuck in the icing, all the way round the base, as neatly as you can.

If there’s any excess, just trim it off.

The hexagon shapes for the icing are made from black ready-made icing.

If you’re not sure of the correct shape for a hexagon, why not print out this template?

Stick on the hexagons by dabbing on water with a pastry brush.

That completes the cake!

وهنالك أشكال كثيره مثل:-

يتبع …



اختي الغاليه ياليت كتبتي الطرق بالعربي


الطبخه الثالثه والأخيره :-

كعك ملون

الطريقه :-

Even though the cakes are multi-coloured, you just start off with one mixture.

Cream together 100g of butter and 100g of sugar.

You’ll also need 100g of sifted self raising flour and 2 eggs.

Pop both of those in with the creamed sugar and butter, and get mixing!

When mixed, divide the cake mixture into three equal portions.

Here’s how to make these little cakes in camouflage colours.

For the brown, use a tablespoon of cocoa powder.

Just add it into one of the portions of cake mixture

…and for the green, use concentrate paste or food colouring.

Again, add to another portion of cake mixture, then mix.

Once the colours are mixed, you need to splodge!

There are two ways you can do this – you can either get a spoonful and splodge it in…

…or you can put your mixture into a bag, snip off one of the corners and squirt it in!

because you’re splodging the colours in, they don’t get mixed up.

And when you bake them, the colours will stay separate so that you get a really colourful cake.

When you’ve done them all, cook the cakes at 190 degrees celsius or gas mark 5 for 15 minutes

Once the cakes have cooked and cooled, you can ice them. The design looks really complicated, but it’s very simple!

Start off by getting your icing in camouflage colours – brown, green and yellow.

Roll out one of the colours with a rolling pin, but remember to put some icing sugar down first so that it doesn’t get stuck to the table!

Then, tear off blobs of the coloured icings.

Place them on the rolled out icing, then if you roll again, you’ll see the pattern start to emerge!

Next, get a cutter that’s the same size as the top of your cake, and cut out a circle of icing.

Then just carefully place the icing on top of each cake, like a lid.

Splodge cakes – fun to make and great to taste!


أختكم الغـــامضه ….



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