تخطى إلى المحتوى

AL MINTO المنتو




The Dough
4 Glasses White fancy Flour + 2 Tea spoon Salt + 1+ ½ Glass Water
Stuffing Ingredients:
1 kg Beef mine
3 Onion mince
Salt + Black pepper (as desire)

Method of Preparation

Knead the dough , and leave it for half an hour , then knead again so it will be mix well, start mixing the stuffing ingredients , start outspread the dough and cut it into circles , ten take one of the circle and put it inside your left hand and put one spoon from the stuffing , press on it with the spoon then close the dough edges from up , and arrange them into the special pot for mento and you spread margarine inside it , and add in the lower level of the pot boiling water until the third of it , put it in high oven , and put the other levels of the pot , and close it well, leave it for 20 minutes after it start boiling, then arrange them in the serving plate…

page: 142

AL MINTO hglkj,

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