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(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel بسبوسة بالنارجيل

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel

بسبوسة بالنارجيل


1 glass Semolina + ½ glass Flour
1 glass Sugar + 1 glass Milk liquid
1 glass coconuts + 1 glass Oil
2 Eggs + Dash of Vanilla
½ big spoon Biking powder
(½ glass shira (syrup) (boil 2 glasses of sugar + 1 glass water + dash of saffron

Method of Preparation

Add in the cake mixer the ( sugar + eggs + vanilla ) until its color becomes white, then add the oil, continue whipping , then add the milk , then the semolina , then the flour , and continue mixing , then add the coconuts, and the biking powder.
Flow the mixture in a tray oven paint with little of oil, put it in the hot oven for half an hour on ( 160 degrees) , roast it from above , take it out from the oven , and cut it into squares pieces, and spread the shira on it, then serve it..

page: 270

(Basbusa with coconuts (narjeel fsf,sm fhgkhv[dg

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