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Chicken Briani برياني الدجاج

Chicken Briani

برياني الدجاج


Big onion small cubes + 3 lobs garlic + piece from mince ginger +big lemon peels + 4 grains cardamom + 2 rod cinnamon + 2 bay leafs + dried lemon + hot paper ( as desire)
1 can yogurt + 1 medium tomato juice + 2 spoons tomato paste+ 2 spoons water rose + saffron + little from fried corn flour +potatoes big fried cubes
Carrot fine fingers +green paper + yellow paper
(Oil + 1 whole Chicken (cut and washed boneless and drench it in vinegar and lemon
(Spices (1 spoon carry spice+ 1/4 spoon hot powder sauce +1 spoon beryani spices

Method of Preparation

Add the onion, the garlic, the ginger, the lemon peels, the cardamom, the bay leafs, the cinnamon, and the dried lemon in the pan with little oil.
Stir them until its start coming the nice smell from it.
Then add the carrot, the paper, the coriander, the mint and the hot powder sauce, stir them for one mint.
Add the Chicken then stir it for another minute , then add the spices , the salt, then add the tomato juice, and the tomato paste, then add the yogurt, later add the water around glass and half, cover it for five minutes on high heat .
After that add the potatoes and the fried corn flour, then the white half boiled rice, cover it and leave it on low heat until it absorb the all water.

P.S: it so poise to a layer of Chicken then a layer of rice but this method for a big amount of rice not only for four cups of rice
After you take off the oven add the roasted onion on the service and artificial orange food color, and half spoon of saffron melt in spoon of water rose, then add mince coriander, then serve it.

page: 353

Chicken Briani fvdhkd hg][h[

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