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Chicken dupling دمبلينغ الدجاج

Chicken dupling

دمبلينغ الدجاج


1/4 kg minces chicken
1/2small cabbage fine cut
2table spoons soya sauce
Black pepper

The dough:
1 glass Flour
Water + salt

Method of Preparation

Mix the meat with the cabbage, the soya sauce, the ginger, and the black pepper
Prepare the dough by mixing the flour, with the salt, and the watery till you have the solid dough, then decided into small balls, then use the pin roll to spread it, after that stuff it then close it like this, and cook it using the steam for fifteen minutes.
Serve it with chilly soya sauce and ginger.

page: 399

Chicken dupling ]lfgdky hg][h[

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