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Chinese chicken with sesame دجاج صيني بالسمسم

Chinese chicken with sesame

دجاج طµظٹظ†ظٹ بالسمسم


2 boneless chicken breasts
2 big spoons sesame
2 rod green onion cut

Chicken drench ingredients
1 small spoon salt
1 small spoon sesame oil
1/4 small spoon sugar

For covering the chicken
1/2 glass flour
1 small spoon biking powder
1 egg

Sauce ingredients
3 big spoons honey
2 big spoons sugar
)Salt (as desire
2 big spoons ketchup
1 big spoon Chinese vinegar rice

Method of Preparation

Cut the chicken and drenched them for one hour, then mix the flour, the biking powder, the salt, dip the chicken in the egg, then in the flour until you finish it all, then deep fried them.
Mix the sauce ingredients and put it on the chicken until it start boiling, then turn it off,
Decorate it with sesame, green onion, and then serve it.

page: 422

Chinese chicken with sesame ][h[ wdkd fhgslsl

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