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Chinese potatoes pate باتيه البطاطا الصينية

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Chinese potatoes pate

باتيه ط§ظ„ط¨ط·ط§ط·ط§ الصينية


1/4kg beef meat + small onion + little green onion+ few drops from soya sauce + salt+ oil+ 1smal table spoon shredded ginger + 2 lube garlic+1small table spoon black pepper

Method of Preparation

Roast the green and white onion, then add the meat, the spices, the ginger, the garlic, the soya sauce, and the salt, stir them until they done.
Now boil the potato around 3 big potatoes with salt, and then smash them with two spoons of liquid milk.
Paint the pan with little bread Rusk and butter, then add the half of the potato, then put over it the meat equally, then add the rest of the potatoes.
Put pieces of butter on the top, then put it in the oven (turn it from up and down), for ten minutes, until it’s solid together.
Cut it and serve it after you add the corn, and. Pieces of red paper, and serve it.

page: 397

Chinese potatoes pate fhjdi hgf’h’h hgwdkdm

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