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Chinese rice with shrimp and pea الأرز الصيني بالروبيان

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea

الأرز ط§ظ„طµظٹظ†ظٹ بالروبيان والبسلة


500g small shrimp peeled, cleaned, and washed
3 rod green onion sliced into circles
Pieces carrot cut into small cubes
1 small glass pea
1/2 tea cup cooking oil +1tea spoon salt
1 small spoon garlic powder
1 tea spoon turmeric+1table spoon grounded ginger

Rice ingredients
1+1/2 glass basmati rice
1 table spoon salt
7 grains cardamom
1/2 tea cup cooking oil Boiling water

Method of Preparation

Wash the rice good with hot water few times, then drench it in hot Waterford 15 minutes, then wash it again with hot water and drain it.
Bring the pressure pot and add the rice, the oil, the salt, and the cardamom. add the hot water to it until it will be around one cm above the rice, then cover it good, and put it on high heat until you hear the weasel voice, the you decrease the heat and leave it from 5-7 min.
During that time prepare a big oven pan add the green onion in it and the oil and stir it for two minutes.
Add the shrimp to the onion and stir them for another two minutes.
Remove the rice away and leave it on side for ten minutes until it absorb the water well before you open the cover.
Add the carrot, the pea to the shrimp, and stir them, then add half cup of boiled water to the shrimp, the salt, the ginger, the garlic, and the turmeric stir them well.
You fried the egg, the carrot, the garlic, and the onion, stir them well, then add the shrimps and stir them well,

Cover the pan with another one at the same size or by aluminum foil, so the steam will not be out, and leave it on low heat for 10 minutes to absorb the water, and then remove it, and this how it looks after ten mentis.
Remove the cover and how is the rice look.
Remove the heal from the rice , then add it to the shrimp mix , and stir good so the shrimp will be mix with the rice , put it in the serving plate and serve it..

page: 412

Chinese rice with shrimp and pea hgHv. hgwdkd fhgv,fdhk>>

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