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Chinese steak with vegetables ستيك صيني بالخضار

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Chinese steak with vegetables

ستيك طµظٹظ†ظٹ بالخضار


7 pieces steak meet
1 onion sliced
2 lobs garlic sliced
1 big spoon ginger sliced
1 cold green paper sliced
1 glass purple cabbage sliced
2 rod green onion sliced
1 piece tomato sliced
2 big spoons ketchup
2 big spoons salt soya sauce
1 big spoon tomato paste
2 big spoons fine mince coriander
Black pepper

Spices for the steak
1 big spoon grounded coriander + 1 lug garlic shredded or mince+ 2 table spoons soya sauce+ 1 big spoon Chinese hot sauce + 1 tea spoon red pepper+ salt

Method of Preparation

Spice the steak well, then rape them in the plastic bag, and leave it in the refrigerator for one night, fried them in little oil quickly from the both sides then slice them to few pieces, roast the onion in the same oil, then add the ginger, the garlic, and the steak, add the tomato, the paste, the soya sauce, and the ketchup.
Add the onion slices and the paper.
In another pan stir the cabbage in little oil, and spoon of soya, and dash of black pepper, add the cabbage and mix it with the ingredients, and the coriander, and serve it.

page: 430

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