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COLD TOFEE MOCCA .الموكا الباردة بالتوفي


الموكا ط§ظ„ط¨ط§ط±ط¯ط© بالتوفي


2 table spoons sugar
2 table spoons Nescafe
2 table spoons nesquick chocolate
5 table spoons milk powder
2 packs dream whip
16 pieces crashed ice
2 glasses COLD water


1 pack dream whip
1 tea cup liquid COLD milk
Coco powder
Toffee ingredients:

¼ butter stick
¾ glass sugar
1 tea cup liquid milk + 2 table spoon crème

Method of Preparation

Mix all the first ingredients in the mixer , then will do the toffee ( put the butter in a pan with the sugar until it melt and turn the oven on low until it is blond take it off and add the milk and the crème and mix it quickly and fast until it mix well and put back on oven for minute . grape a glass and decorated with toffee lines inside it

then add the mocha . Start doing dream whip by mixing milk with it and put it on the top of mocha. Spell on top of it coco powder or toffee (as desire)
Serve it cold

page: 14

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