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Delicious Waffle with Honey الوافل اللذيذ بالعسل

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Delicious Waffle with Honey

الوافل ط§ظ„ظ„ط°ظٹط° بالعسل


2 glasses Flour
4 tea spoons Biking powder + 1 tea spoon Salt
4 Eggs yolk + 4 Eggs White + Vanilla
1+1/2 Glass liquid Milk
(2 glasses Creme (whipping creme

Method of Preparation

Prepare the Waffle machine, mix the dry ingredients
Together, then separate the white eggs from the yolk
Then add the yolk to the milk, and then mix it with the dry
Ingredients, and add the butter or the margarine, beat the
White eggs until its freezing, then add it to the mixture
Without mixing it, then put little from the mixture in the
Machine and close the above cover, bake it until its reddish,
Stuffed the middle of each piece with fresh crème and the honey.
Then serve it.

page: 265

Delicious Waffle with Honey hg,htg hgg`d` fhgusg

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