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Easy Briani برياني سهل

Easy Briani

برياني سهل


Whole chicken cut
3 onion sliced
3 lube garlic mince + ginger mince
Small spoon paprika
2 small spoons black pepper
1 small spoon Briani spices or Graham masala
Big spoon salt
Big spoon mix gulf spices
2 pieces hot paper
4 pieces tomatoes cut small
3 big spoons water flower
2 pieces potatoes cut squares
3 glass Indian rice
For decoration
3 big spoons water rose + saffron + roasted onion

Method of Preparation

Roast the onion in the oil until it got the light gold color , then add the garlic, the ginger , the paper and stir , then add the chicken , and stir again , add the spices then the tomato , the water rose , stir it again , then add the water , cover it half an hour , then add the potatoes , and leave it to be cooked ( you can add water when it needed).
During that time boil the rice in boiling water, and add to it salt, cinnamon, bay leafs, and oil for twelve minuets, filter it.
Put the rice on the chicken and add to it three big spoons of water rose melt in it saffron.
Cover the pot with aluminum foil and leave it on low heat for half an hour.
Serve it with roasted onion on it.

page: 361

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