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Hot Indian liver الكبده الهنديه الحارة

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Hot Indian liver

الكبدة الهندية الحارة


(1 big spoon lamb leaver with the heart and kidney (slices
Big onion
1 big spoon fresh ginger
3 lubes garlic
1/2 green cold paper
6 big spoons olive oil
1 big spoon grounded black pepper
1 big spoon mix carry and cumin
1 big spoon hot powder red pepper
1 big spoon hot Indian sauce

Method of Preparation

Slice the onion, and cut the ginger into small pieces, and cut the cold paper, and the garlic.
, roast them all together , then wash the leaver and slices it and on high heat stir it quickly, then Cut the tomato into small squares , and add it on them , then add the spice , the hot sauce, and stir them until the tomato start melt , serve it before the sauce is dry…

page: 336

Hot Indian liver hg;f]i hgik]di hgphvm

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