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Indian Briani البرياني الهندي

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Indian Briani

البرياني الهندي


Chicken cut + yogurt
Tomato + onion + fresh coriander + garlic+ shredded ginger + spices+ turmeric powder + grains coronation+ cardamom + cinnamon rod + green hot paper + spoon hot red paper + salt + rice drench in water and boiled

Method of Preparation

Put the chicken, the garlic, the ginger, and the onion, roast them with little margarine, then add the rest of the pieces except the yogurt, then stir them, later add the Yogurt, and stir again until the yogurt smell disappeared.
Bring the boiled rice and put half off it in the pot, then add the chicken mixture on it.
Then leave the rest of it on low heat, then put it in the serving plate and decorate it with pine, and roasted onion, and serve it with salad and hot sauce, then serve it….

page: 354

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