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Indian hot cabbage salad سلطة الكرنب الهندية الحارة

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Indian hot cabbage salad

سلطة ط§ظ„ظƒط±ظ†ط¨ ط§ظ„ظ‡ظ†ط¯ظٹط© الحارة


1/2 small spoon cumin grains
Hot dried red paper
1 spoon carry spices
1 onion
1 carrot
1/2 small spoon salt
Lemon squeeze

Method of Preparation

Cut the onion slices, then shredded the carrot and the cabbage.
Roast the cumin grains and he hot dried paper with butter , then add the onion slices , and stir them for two minutes, add the cabbage and the carrot , stir them until the cabbage is soft, then add the salt, the lemon juice , and the carry spice, then serve it.

page: 298

Indian hot cabbage salad sg’m hg;vkf hgik]dm hgphvm

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