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Indian labania اللبنية الهندية

Indian labania

اللبنية الهندية


4 glasses sugar
1 glass water
1 glass corn oil
5 glasses milk powder
1 tea spoon grounded fine cardamom
5 table spoons coconuts

All ingredients measurements must be at the same glass

Method of Preparation

Put the sugar with the water in a medium size and stir it until the sugar is melt and start boiling.
Then add the cardamom and the oil and stir again and when it starts boiling remove it away.
Bring a Pyrex tray and spread the half of the coconuts on the bottom , then add the milk powder directly on sugar mixture and mix it quickly so it will not lumping ( prefer to use wooden spoon ).
Flow it in the Pyrex and straight the service with the spoon then spread the rest of the coconuts , leave it for one hour until it becomes cold, then cut it ( with sharp knife and you can dip it in water so the cut will be easier) before you put it in the refrigerator , then serve it.

page: 369

Indian labania hggfkdm hgik]dm

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