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Indian sambousa السمبوسة الهندية

Indian sambousa

السمبوسة الهندية


Dough Ingredients
1 glass white flour
1/2 tea spoon biking powder
1/2 tea spoon biking soda
1/2 tea spoon carom grains
1 tea spoon melts butter or oil
(3 glass water (as need to make the dough solid

Stuffing ingredients
1 medium onion small cubes
3/4 glass frozen pea
2 medium potatoes boiled and cubes
4-5 pieces hot green paper small cut
1 tea spoon caraway grains
1 tea spoon grounded cumin
1 tea spoon hot red paper powder
1 medium spoon carry
Little oil for roasted

Method of Preparation

Roast the onion and the paper in the pan until it start yellow color , then add the pea, the caraway, then the spices, boil the potatoes , and smash it with the fork, add the smash potatoes up the above ingredients and mix it well .
Mix the dough ingredients with the fingers few times, and keep it r 10-15 minutes to rest and cover it with a clean towel, divide the dough into two pieces, and spread out each piece, then with a circle cutter cut a circle, and put the stuffed in it, and flop half of it to cover the stuff, then the other side to have the triangle shape (or any shape).
Deep fried them, and serve it hot with tamarind sauce or smashed hot green salad.

page: 314

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