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Indian tamarind potato بطاطا التمر الهندي الحارة

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Indian tamarind potato

بطاطا ط§ظ„طھظ…ط± ط§ظ„ظ‡ظ†ط¯ظٹ الحارة


5 small to medium potatoes
1 medium onion
1 medium tomato
1 lube garlic
5 small spoons hot pepper
1 medium spoon tomato paste
2 big spoons tamarind Drenched in 1/2 glass water
3 big spoons hummus (can)
2 tea spoons from (carry, cumin, hot red paper, salt as desire)
Little from coriander
1 glass water
Little from oil to roast the onion

Method of Preparation

Cut the onion into small pieces, and then roast them in the oil.
In the onion cutter Mince the tomato, the coriander, and half of the hot paper and the garlic, then add the onion on them.
Drench the tamarind in the water for fifteen minutes, ten remove the seed from it, add the spices, the salt, the water and stir them well, then add the tamarind with its water, and stir it again.
Peel the potatoes cut it and boil it half cook, then add it to the métier without the water and mix it together and leave it on low heat until the potato is cooked then serve it.

page: 344

Indian tamarind potato f’h’h hgjlv hgik]d hgphvm

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