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LUQYMAT WITH POTATO AND ONION اللقيمات بالبطاطا والبصل


اللقيمات ط¨ط§ظ„ط¨ط·ط§ط·ط§ والبصل


3 Glasses white Flour
2 Glasses Milk
1 Medium spoon from (salt + instant yeast)
1 small Potato
2 Stick Green Onion
Green Paper hot (optional)

Method of Preparation

Cut the POTATO into small pieces and leave it in water for twenty minutes, then mix all the ingredients except (onion + paper) in a ball, mix it and cover it WITH a bag on side…
Cut the onion, the paper into small pieces, and add it to the dough, and knead it again, and leave it to yeasting.
Then take a small from the dough, and put small piece from the POTATO inside it and round it in your hand, then fried it in oil.
Mix the red pepper liquid WITH salt, lemon, and vinegar…Serve it beside the luqymat…

page: 118

LUQYMAT WITH POTATO AND ONION hggrdlhj fhgf’h’h ,hgfwg

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