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Mince meat Briani برياني اللحمة المفرومة

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Mince meat Briani

برياني ط§ظ„ظ„ط­ظ…ط© المفرومة


4 big spoons oil
2 big spoons Indian butter
2 Mince onion
Small spoon turmeric
Small spoon hot sauce
1/2 small spoon grounded cumin
1/2 small spoon grounded fennel
2 small spoons graham masala spices
1/2 small spoon grounded coriander
2 pieces tomato cut small
1/2 kg meats mince
Few green paper slices
3 small spoons ginger paste + garlic
Fresh coriander Mince + 2 big spoons Mince mint
1/2 small spoon salt
6 big spoons yogurt

Rice ingredients
2 big spoons Indian butter
3 glass rice
2 rod cinnamon + 6 grains cardamom + 6 grains coronation + water

Method of Preparation

Heat the oil in a pot and add butter in it then the Mince onion and roasted until it got the gold color.
Then add the ginger mixture, and then add the turmeric, the cumin, the fennel, the Graham masala, the coriander, stir al. With the onion on low heat for one minute.
Add the cut tomato, and put it on medium heat, then add the water until it’s cooked.
Then add the Mince meat and mix them well, add the coriander and the mint and stir them well with the meet, and cook them for one minute, and add the yogurt and the salt stir tem for few seconds and remove t away fro the oven.
Drench the rice in water for twenty minutes, heat the butter on the oven then add the rice with the spices and the water, and leave it on medium to low heat until it’s cooked.
In the oven pot put a layer of the rice and another layer of the meet and finally another layer from the rice , decorate it with the roasted onion and put it in the oven for few minutes, then serve it…

page: 351

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