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Snickers Sweet حلى السنيكرز

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Snickers Sweet

حلى السنيكرز


1 can concentrated Milk big size
½ glass pistachio grounded
1 bar Butter + 3 table spoons peanuts butter jam
1+ ½ tea Biscuit big size
2 Galaxy bar or any kind of chocolate you have
½ can Creme

Method of Preparation

Wrap the tray with aluminum foil so it will be easy to take the Sweet out,, smash softly the biscuit with the pistachio , the melt ¾ of the butter and add the peanuts butter on the butter , and they mix together add the concentrate milk , then add the smash biscuit with pistachio on the milk , and stir good , then spread the mixture on the tray and straight the surface , and in steam water melt the galaxy with quarter bar from the butter, then add the crème , and stir again , then flow the mixture on the Sweet , and spread the chocolate on them , decorate it , and cut it..

page: 285

Snickers Sweet pgn hgskd;v.

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