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Tamarind sauce صوص التمر الهندي

Tamarind sauce

صوص ط§ظ„طھظ…ط± الهندي


1 medium onion
2 big spoons Tamarind melts into 1/2 glass water
1 small spoon corn flour
1 small spoon sugar
1 big spoon honey
1/2 glass water

Method of Preparation

Cut the onion into slices, then roast it in the oil, then drench the Tamarind in the water from 10-15 minuets, then remove the seeds and the hard crust from out side and add it with the water to the onion.
Add the corn flour and stir them good then add the sugar and the honey, and keep stir them until all ingredients mix together, and the onion color gone.
Mix all the ingredients in the mixer until you have the liquid sauce.

You can serve this sauce with the Indian sambas, and you can use more water instead of the onion, so you will have a liquid sauce.

page: 297

Tamarind sauce w,w hgjlv hgik]d

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