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The LAYER POTATOES البطاطا الكذابة

  • بواسطة


البطاطا الكذابة


5- 6 pieces POTATOES medium size
Brown bread or white (fine grounded)
¼ Glass boiled Pee + ¼ Glass Yellow Corn
½ Lemon squeeze + 1 Tea spoon mince Mint
1 lube Garlic + 2 Table spoon Mayonnaise + 1 can Yogurt + Carrot shredded for decoration

Method of Preparation

Peel the potatoes, and smash it with the fork, then take ½ glasses from it, and keep it on side…
Cut he aluminum foil into squares, then put on it from the transparent plastic rap , then take little from the smashed potatoes, put it on the aluminum foil , then cover it , and press with your hand on it, and try to shape it like the potato shape, keep it on side for five minutes ..Unwrap it and dip in the ground bread from the all sides …
Grape the half glass of the potato you keep it on the side , and shred on it the garlic, and add the mince mint + two lemon spoon + two table spoon mayonnaise + the yogurt , and mix them well.
Then add the green pee and the corn after you boil and drain it, and mix them.
After you prepare the mixture , bring the POTATOES that we prepare before , put them in the serving plate , then will do a long cut inside them by using the knife ( but not to the edges) then stuff the POTATOES , decorate it , and serve it…

page: 57

The LAYER POTATOES hgf’h’h hg;`hfm

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