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Hot carry fish سمك الكاري الحار 2024.

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Hot carry fish

سمك ط§ظ„ظƒط§ط±ظٹ الحار


5 pieces fish fillet
2 green paper cut
1 table spoon fresh coriander
Onion slices
3 lobs mince garlic
1 table spoon carry
1 table spoon mix spices
Small spoon grounded cinnamon
(Salt (as desire
1 glass oil
1 glass water

Method of Preparation

Roast the onion in the oil until it got the gold color, then add the garlic and stir, add the yogurt, the hot paper and keep it for ten minutes, then add the fish with the water , keep t for fifteen minutes until the fish s done , decorate the plate with the coriander, and serve it…

page: 338

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