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PUFF PASTRY SAMBUSA سمبوسة البف باللحم 2024.


سمبوسة ط§ظ„ط¨ظپ باللحم


2 Glasses Flour
Little Salt + Coffee Cup Oil
2/3 Glass Warm Water
Meat Ingredients
½ Kg minces Meat + 3 big Onion mince
Onion + oil + spices + parsley + coriander + leek

Method of Preparation

For Meat : roast the meat in the oil until its water is dried, then add the onion , then the salt , and the spices , stir them , then add parsley , coriander ,and leek and leave it to be cooked.
For the dough: Rapp the flour with oil and salt, then add the water slowly,Until you have the solid dough , then paint it with little oil , cover it and leave it for half an hour, after that cut it into big oblong shape , and dip it from the both side into flour , then stretch it and stuff it with meat , deep fried it until it’s color becomes gold, then put it on absorbable paper , and serve it..

page: 133

PUFF PASTRY SAMBUSA slf,sm hgft fhggpl

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