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Shrimp Mushroom Soup شوربة الفطر بالروبيان 2024.

Shrimp Mushroom Soup

شوربة ط§ظ„ظپط·ط± بالروبيان


2 pack Mushroom soup
1 glass shrimp, clean and washed
1 onion medium size, fine sliced
¼ tea spoon white pepper
2 glasses cold water (don’t use the hot water so the Soup mixture will not be lumping

Method of Preparation

Roast the onion in the oil , then add the Shrimp , stir for five minutes , then add the two Soup envelopes to the cold water stir them well, then add it to the Shrimp on the oven , stir it good , and leave it on the oven for ten minutes add a dash of the white pepper.
Serve it after you decorate the surface with the green coriander.

page: 69

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