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Chinese ravioli رافيولي صيني 2024.

Chinese ravioli

رافيولي صيني


Stuffing Ingredients
1 mince onion
Shredded carrot
Mushroom cut into small pieces
2 table spoons soya sauce
Salt + pepper
Mince ginger
Mince garlic
Boiled calamari and cut

Dough ingredients
2 glass flour
Little salt
Water for
(The tough must be solid (not very soft nether hard

Method of Preparation

Knead the dough and bring the pan then add all the stuffing ingredients, stir them until it’s cooked, then add the cut calmary, and leave it until its cold.
Spread out the dough and cut it into circles, add one stuffing spoon in it, then close it like triangles.
Steam them until its color start to be transparent, serve it with the soya sauce.

page: 405

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