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Chicken Chinese rolls رول الدجاج الصيني 2024.

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Chicken Chinese rolls

رول ط§ظ„ط¯ط¬ط§ط¬ الصيني

Ingredients + method
Chicken breast washed well and put them in plastic bag, and straight the service with Chicken hummer ( as you see at the picture) from the smooth side, until they becomes like the spread dough with medium thick and slowly you straight the service.
Spread on the service the ground black pepper and the salt.

Put on it another Chicken breast half spread and put this spicing
1 lug garlic mince
1/2 spoon cumin
Mince coriander
Grounded black pepper
Lemon squeezed+ 1 spoon paprika
(Mix all together and spread them on the Chicken (second layer
Then flop the Chicken on the other side, and arrange on it fine carrot fingers, green cold paper and yellow, and turnip fingers, then spread on it ground black pepper and dash of salt.
In a plastic bag roll the Chicken like fingers by pressing on it during that then put it on aluminum foil.

Paint the service with this spicing
(1 table spoon tomato paste+ 2 table spoons olive oil + 3 table spoons lemon squeeze + 1/4 spoon turmeric +1 spoon soya + dash of coriander + grounded cumin) mix altogether and paint the Chicken with it, then rape it with aluminum foil, put it in the oven for fifteen minutes then open the foil to roast the service , during that time prepare the pasta by boiling the fettuccini the spagitti in water with salt inside it, roast a little the onion sliced in the oil for few minutes.
then add the mushroom sliced and little from the cornflower, little from hot pepper (as desire) or green onion, stir them on high heat for few minutes until they are roasted well, now add 1/2 glass of whipping crème, then add big slices from cabbage, with a dash of fine pepper ,salt, and soya sauce.
Stir them for two minuets then add the boiled pasta then two spoons of sour crème, two spoons of mayonnaise stir for few minutes, then remove it away from the oven, and ads two spoons of the corn.
Take the Chicken from the oven and spread little roasted sesame on it cut it and serve it with macaroni….

page: 424

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