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ARABIC SHAWERMA ON THE SAG شاورما عربي على الصاج 2024.


شاورما ط¹ط±ط¨ظٹ على الصاج


Chicken breast
French fries
Cucumber pickles
Lemon (squeezes)
2 Table spoon Vinegar
Pure pastry roll

Method of Preparation

Spice the chicken with the lemon juice , and the vinegar , put it in the refrigerator for two hours with flip it every while, heat the oil in the pan and roast the chicken inside it from the both sides then add the salt to it, then remove it fro the pan and cut it into slices, grape a slice from the pastry and paint it with mayonnaise , and put the potato, the pickles , and the chicken , roll it, and roast it on the sag fro both sides .. And serve it hot…

page: 119

ARABIC SHAWERMA ON THE SAG ah,vlh uvfd ugn hgwh[

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