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BUFF PASTY WITH SAUSAGE فطائر البف باستري بالنقا 2024.


فطائر ط§ظ„ط¨ظپ ط¨ط§ط³طھط±ظٹ بالنقانق


Buff pastry rolls
Smoked SAUSAGE cuts
Onion medium sliced
Green Paper
Tomato sliced
Mozzarella cheese shredded
Salt + Black pepper
Egg Yolk

Method of Preparation

Heat the oil in a pan , then add the onion , the garlic , the SAUSAGE , and stir all together , then add the tomato , the salt , and the black pepper , stir well, then add the green paper and remove it from the oven…
Cut the puff pastry edges without removing it , as the bellow picture , and turn the right side to the left , and the left side to the right, then add a spoon from the stuffing on the pastry , and add the cheese on the top , and paint the whole edges WITH egg, put them inside the oven on medium heat , roast it fro top… and serve it..

page: 117

BUFF PASTY WITH SAUSAGE t’hzv hgft fhsjvd fhgkrh

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