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Carry chicken Kofta كفتة الدجاج بالكاري 2024.

Carry chicken Kofta

كفتة ط§ظ„ط¯ط¬ط§ط¬ بالكاري


1pack boneless chicken breast
1/2 glass rusk+2 eggs
1/4 glass low fat mayonnaise
1smal table spoon Carry +Dash pepper
2tabls spoons chicken broth or magi cube melt in warm water
1small table spoon mustard
Cooking oil
Dash coriander for decoration

Method of Preparation

Boil the chicken breast and flak it, mix them with the mayonnaise and the mastered, the carry, the egg, and the spices, the Rusk, mix them well, and finally you add the chicken, roll them like burgers, put them in the refrigerator so they will hold together, deep fried them, and decorate them with coriander.

page: 391

Carry chicken Kofta ;tjm hg][h[ fhg;hvd

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