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Cheese Cake with Toffee تشيزكيك بالتوفي

Cheese Cake with Toffee

تشيزكيك بالتوفي


(1 pack digestive biscuit (250g
¾ Butter bar
1 cans Creme
(1 cans Philadelphia chesses or (12 pieces from Keri cheese
(1+ ½ Glass liquid Creme (whipping cream
6 table spoons iced Sugar
1 Jelly Lemon
Shredded Chocolate + 1 Banana sliced
(Toffee (liquid

(Toffee is a bout 1 cup sugar barn it on the oven and add to it 1 big spoon creme, and 1 glass from caramel syrup, and stir them well)

Method of Preparation

Smash the biscuit, then add to it the butter , and stir them well until they toast , then spread it in the Cheese Cake mould , spread iced sugar , and put it in the refrigerator to be solid.
Whips the crème with the sugar , put it in the refrigerator , then whips the Cheese with the crème, then add the jelly, and stir ( prepare the jelly before you add it to the Cheese mixture, by mixing the jelly powder with half cup of boiled water , and leave it to cool down), then add it ..
Stir the mixture well, then add the crème on it, stir it with the spoon (don’t use the electronic mixer)
Grape the Cheese Cake mould that you put the biscuit in side it, add the Toffee on it on top of it add the banana slices , then add the crème mixture , and spread the chocolate on the surface , keep it in the refrigerator for the next day, and serve it cold…

page: 256

Cheese Cake with Toffee jad.;d; fhgj,td

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