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Chinese fish and shrimp سمك وربيان على الطريقة الصينية 2024.

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Chinese fish and shrimp

سمك ظˆط±ط¨ظٹط§ظ† على ط§ظ„ط·ط±ظٹظ‚ط© الصينية


(Fish + shrimp (as you desire
(Salt+ yogurt+ spices+ garlic+ coriander fine mince+ little mint)
(Carrot + paper + onion + fresh peeled ginger) cut it all medium sliced
1 table spoon soya sauce
1 glass water+ magi cube + 1 table spoon corn flour

Method of Preparation

Wash the fish and the shrimp well, then spice them with (salt+ yogurt+ spices+ garlic+ coriander fine mince+ little mint) put it in the refrigerator for one hour, then dip them in the flour, then directly deep fried them then make the oven low heat, leave it for ten minutes, flop on the other side and keep it for another ten minutes then take it out.
Add little oil then add the onion , stir it well then add the vegetables (Carrot + paper + onion + fresh peeled ginger) and the soya sauce, then add the (1 glass water+ magi cube + 1 table spoon corn flour), stir them well until its done then serve it.

page: 454

Chinese fish and shrimp sl; ,vfdhk ugn hg’vdrm hgwdkdm

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