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Deep fried caster fingers أصابع الكاسترد المقلية

Deep fried caster fingers

أصابع ط§ظ„ظƒط§ط³طھط±ط¯ المقلية


2 glasses milk
5 big spoons powder caster
(Sugar (as desired
2 big spoons corn flour
Sesame for decoration
Cooking oil

Method of Preparation

Melt the casters in a half glass of milk.
Take the rest of the milk and put it in a pan on the oven and add the sugar , when it start boiling add the custard mixture , stir it on medium heat until it start to be thick , then flow it in a glass squares mould and spreader with corn flour inside it , and the service as well.
Put it in the refrigerator, and after that cut it into fingers, and take each one and dip it in the corn flour until you finish it all.
Deep fried them but not in heavy oil so you can flip them.
After that take out and put them on blotter, so the extra oil will be out.
When you finish spread them with sesame and sesame.

page: 465

Deep fried caster fingers Hwhfu hg;hsjv] hglrgdm

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