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Indian pies الفطائر الهندية 2024.

Indian pies

الفطائر الهندية


Green pea
Green mince paper
Onion mince
2 big spoons mince coriander
1+1/2 spoon turmeric
Black pepper
Grains black masters

Method of Preparation

Boil the potatoes and the pea, then peel the potatoes, and cut it cubes, heat the oil , and add the masters grain to it, and when they start to open add the cumin, the hot paper , then add the onion, stir it until it got the gold color, then add the turmeric , the coriander , and the cumin.
Stir them quickly, then add the potato and the pea and mix them well.
Take it away from the oven and add to it coriander leafs and stir it well, and leave to cool down.

page: 316

Indian pies hgt’hzv hgik]dm

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