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Lettuce and Corn Salad with Yogurt سلطة الخس والذرة . 2024.

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Lettuce and Corn Salad with Yogurt

سلطة ط§ظ„ط®ط³ والذرة بالزبادي


1 rod Lettuce
2 pieces Potatoes medium size
2 can Yogurt
1 glass boiled Corn can
½ Lemon (squeezed)
1 table spoon vinegar
1 medium spoon Salt

Method of Preparation

Cut the Lettuce into long slices, then cut the potatoes into medium cubes and fried it, then add them and the Yogurt to the lettuce, then add the salt , the lemon , and the vinegar to the salad, mix them well.
Put it in the serving plate, and then spread the Corn on the surface without mixing it.

page: 85

Lettuce and Corn Salad with Yogurt sg’m hgos ,hg`vm>>>>>

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