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Macaroni Salad with Sauce سلطة المكرونة بالصوص 2024.

Macaroni Salad with Sauce

ط³ظ„ط·ط© ط§ظ„ظ…ظƒط±ظˆظ†ط© بالصوص


Macaroni (quantity as you want)
Lettuce + 1 carrot + rod Green onion + 1 pieces Paper + 1 Glass Corn

Sauce Ingredients

1 table spoon Mayonnaise
1 table spoon White Vinegar
1 table spoon Mastered
2 table spoons Olive oil
2 Garlic lubes
½ Tea spoon Black Pepper + 1tea spoon Salt + 1 lemon (squeezed)

Method of Preparation

Boil the Macaroni in one litter of water, and add salt, and one spoon of oil, then filter it, and keep it on side …
Cut the paper into small squares, then cut the green onion, the shred the carrot, and cut the lettuce, then add the sweet corn.
Finally add the boiled macaroni… and mix all together …
How to make the sauce:
Mix all the Sauce ingredients together, and then add it to the Salad before you serve it…

page: 83

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