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Mango Moss موس المانجا 2024.

Mango Moss

موس المانجا


2 pieces mushy Mango
1 Orange juice + ½ Lemon (squeeze)
1/3 glass Sugar
4 envelopes Dream whip
½ glass cold liquid Milk
Mango cubes for decoration

Method of Preparation

Mix the orange juice with the lemon and sugar in a medium bowel , then stir the mixture until the sugar is melt, then peel the Mango , and chop it into medium pieces , then add the Mango to the mixture , and smash the Mango , then whip the dream whip with the cold milk until pup up , then add to the Mango mixture , mix it with mixer , until they melt well , and start being like crème , then divide it in the serving cups , put it in the refrigerator for an hour , and when you serve it decorate it with Mango cubes on the surface , and serve it cold..

page: 277

Mango Moss l,s hglhk[h

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