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NAN BREAD خبز النان


خبز النان


3 Glasses of Flour with Yeast + 2 Tea spoon intent Yeast
2 Table spoon Warm Water + 1 Tea spoon Salt
2/3 Glass Qimar + ¼ Tea spoon Sugar
¾ Glass warm Milk + 2 Tea spoon melt Butter
For Decoration:
Sesame + Melt Butter

Method of Preparation

Mix the yeast with the sugar and water , and leave it for 15 minutes warm place, then knead the flour and the salt , and make a hole in the middle so will put the qimar, the milk , and the butter , mix all for ten minutes , until you have a soft dough , cover it , and leave it for one hour , then knead them another time on surface with flour on it, divided into six parts , outspread each part like egg shape , put them in oven try , bake them the heat must be ( 240 digress – 470 F) for ten minutes , when you take the BREAD out paint it while it still hot with butter and spread the sesame on it..

page: 143

NAN BREAD of. hgkhk

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