فطائر طµظٹظ†ظٹط© ( ظ…ط¨طھظƒط±ط© ) بثلاث حشوات
First stuffing
Indomie (boiled) chicken flavor + small cubes carrot+2 pieces medium potatoes(boiled and shredded) + small cubes cold paper+ 3table spoons mince fresh coriander + small cubes cabbage+ 1table spoon mastered + salt (as desire) + 1/4table spoon grounded black pepper.
Second stuffing
Small cubes from onion roasted with little oil then you add the meat, 1/4 table spoon black pepper, the salt, 1/4 table spoon cumin, and mince coriander
Take it away from the oven, and press on it with cooking tissue until you make sure that the oil is absorbed. then add 4table spoons fresh mince coriander , and cubes from cold paper , and small rings from green onion , and table spoon soya sauce, two table spoons ketchup( hot pepper and garlic flavor)
Three stuffing
Shredded white cheese + black sliced olive+ small cubes cold paper+ small cubes cucumber+ purple cabbage small cut + yellow paper cut into small cubes
Method of Preparation
Stuff the spring rolls pastry with any kind from these stuffing then farm it any shape you want then fried them
page: 398
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