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The Semolina Basbusa بسبوسة السميد 2024.

The Semolina Basbusa

بسبوسة السميد


1+1/4 glass Semolina + 1+1/4 glass Coconuts
¼ glass Oil+ ½ glass Sugar
1 tea spoon Biking powder + 1 can Crème Almond for Decoration

Shira (Syrup) Ingredients
4 glasses Sugar + 4 glasses Water + Drops of Lemon

Method of Preparation

Mix the Semolina with the sugar the coconut , the biking powder , then add the oil and he crème , knead them good , then paint the tray with little oil and flow the dough in it , then cut it into squares , put one almond in each square , then put it in the oven on ( 160 degrees) until its cook and the surface is roasted, then take out , and put the shira on it, and keep it to cool down

Shira Method
Mix all the ingredients together on a pot put it on low heat oven for 15 minutes.

page: 281

The Semolina Basbusa fsf,sm hgsld]

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