Tortilla Bread
سمبوسة اللحم
4glasses white flour +2+1/2glass water
1tea spoon salt
1/2kg mince meat+1/2teacupoil
1tea spoon salt + 1teaspoon black pepper + 1tea spoon coriander
Method of Preparation
Mix the flour with the salt, the yeast, then add the water until you have the solid dough, keep it on side for half an hour.
Roast the onion with little oil, then add the meat and stir until its cooked, then add the spices , and the vegetables, stir it dicey mentis take it away from the oven , and start doing the dough rolling pin , and put it in the sambas mould add the stuff , and put another layer from the dough , then cut atwitter cutter, fried it in hot oil, and serve it hot.
page: 147
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