Hot chicken sheshwan دجاج سيشوان الحار 2024.

Hot chicken sheshwan

دجاج ط³ظٹط´ظˆط§ظ† الحار


Boneless cut chicken
5 pieces dried red paper
3 rod green cut onion
3 eggs
1/2 glass corn flour
Fried oil

Sauce ingredients
2 big spoons white vinegar
3 big spoons soya sauce
1 big spoon corn flour melt in 1/4 glass of water

Method of Preparation

Mix the corn flour with the egg, then dip the chicken pieces in it, then mixes the sauce ingredients and keeps it on side.
Fried the chicken in deep oil, put in the pan two big spoons of oil then add the dried pepper in it for two minutes, then add the chicken and the sauce, until it start to be heavy , then decorate it with sesame, green onion, and then serve it.

page: 423

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