Cheese Cake in Cups تشيزكيك بالأكواب 2024.

Cheese Cake in Cups

تشيزكيك بالأكواب


First Group
8 pieces from Keri cheese
4 table spoons Orange juice
¼ glass Sugar
(3 glasses Whipping Creme (the ready one

Second Group
Pie filling Strawberry or blueberry
Strawberry syrup
Biscuit or any kind of ready Cake

Method of Preparation

Mix the first group ingredients together , until you got the thick creamy mixture, after you finish from doing the crème, prepare the Cups , put in each one on the bottom pieces of the ready Cake , or from the biscuit ( you already dip it in the milk , or in the juice) add little of the cream on the top, then the pie filling then the Cake , and so on , then put the Cups in the refrigerator , at least for 4 hours, then decorate it with strawberry sauce ..And serve it cold.

To get the perfect result when you whip the crème, you should put it in the refrigerator before you do that…
And when you use it, its better if you put the whipping ball inside the bigger one fill with cold water, with cubes of ice inside it, so it will make the cream thicker while whipping it…

page: 260

Cheese Cake in Cups jad.;d; fhgH;,hf

Chees cake di cup .تشيز كيك بالأكواب 2024.

Chees cake di cup

تشيز كيك بالأكواب


Susunan pertama :
8 pt keju kiri .
4 sm juce jeruk .
1/4 gls gula .
3 gls whipping crem ( yg sdh jadi )

Susunan ke dua

Bey feling strawbery atau rasberry .
Sirop strawbery .
Biskuit atau cake yg sdh jadi .

Cara membuat

Kocok bahan pertama sampai putih dan bagus . setelah crem siap , siapkan cup atau mangkok . taruh sepotong cake atau biskuit ( kalou biskuit celupkan dulu ke dlm air susu atau juce ) lalu taruh atasnya crem dan sekali lagi susun cake dan crem dan sedikit bey feling dan masukan lemari es setelah dingin beri atasnya sirop strawbery . siap untuk di hidangkan .


Chees cake di cup>>>jad. ;d; fhgH;,hf