Minuman farutishino dingin .مشروب الفروتيشينو المثلج 2024.

Minuman farutishino dingin

مشروب ط§ظ„ظپط±ظˆطھظٹط´ظٹظ†ظˆ المثلج


1 kaleng gishtah .
1 gls susu .
1/2 gls gula .
1 sm Nescafe .
1/2 bungkus drem wef .

Cara membuat

Taruh gishtah dan gula di panci dgn api kecil dan aduk 2 sampai warnanya berobah ke coklatan dan angkat dari api dan tinggalkan sampai dingin . masukan 1 gls susu ke blender dan Nescafe dan drem wef dan 4 sm gistah yg sdh di buat ( crema ) dan es lalu putar dan tuang di gelas dan hias atasnya dgn dgn crema dan coklat bubuk .


Minuman farutishino dingin>>>lav,f hgtv,jdadk, hgleg[

FROTICHINO ICE DRINK .مشروب الفروتيشينو المثلج 2024.


مشروب ط§ظ„ظپط±ظˆطھظٹط´ظٹظ†ظˆ المثلج


1 Glass Milk + ½ Glass Sugar
1 Table spoon Nescafe + ½ pack Dream whip + ice

Method of Preparation

Turn the oven on medium and put the sugar with crème in a pot, stir them continually until it is gold (like caramel). Move the put until it is cold. Add the (milk with Nescafe, dream whip and 4 table spoons from the caramel and ice) to the mixer. Serve it with topping cream and coco powder

page: 24

FROTICHINO ICE DRINK>>>>>lav,f hgtv,jdadk, hgleg[

FROTICHINO ICE DRINK .مشروب الفروتيشينو المثلج 2024.


مشروب ط§ظ„ظپط±ظˆطھظٹط´ظٹظ†ظˆ المثلج


1 Glass Milk + ½ Glass Sugar
1 Table spoon Nescafe + ½ pack Dream whip + ice

Method of Preparation

Turn the oven on medium and put the sugar with crème in a pot, stir them continually until it is gold (like caramel). Move the put until it is cold. Add the (milk with Nescafe, dream whip and 4 table spoons from the caramel and ice) to the mixer. Serve it with topping cream and coco powder

page: 24

FROTICHINO ICE DRINK>>>>>lav,f hgtv,jdadk, hgleg[