Galab gamoo جلاب جامو 2024.

Galab gamoo

جلاب جامو


Glab Ingredients
1 glass milk powder
2 big spoons white flour
(1/2 glass water (more or less depend on the dough
1+1/4 spoon biking powder

Syrup ingredients
1+1/4 glass rude sugar
Small spoon grounded cardamom
2 glasses water

Method of Preparation

Start making the syrup by putting all it’s ingredients on the oven for ten minutes then take it away.
Knead the Galab ingredients (and add the water slowly so you can have a dough easy to farm).
Ball them equal size then fried them until it got the dark blond color and takes care not to burn it.
After that dip them in the syrup for ten minutes, then put them in the serving plate, and serve it.

page: 362

Galab gamoo [ghf [hl,

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