BUTTER FLY SALAD سلطة أم الفراشة 2024.


سلطة أم الفراشة


I zucchini + 1 potato + carrot
½ Bread roll
1 Tomato + 1 cucumber + ½ small onions
2 big leafs cabbage or lettuce
3 table spoon corns can
2 table spoon mayonnaise
½ lemons
½ garlic lube
1 Table spoon oil + 1 medium spoon salt

Method of Preparation

Cut the carrot , the potato, the zucchini , and the bread into small cubes , add two spoons of oil to the pan , and stir the potatoes for three minutes , then add the carrots and stir them together , then add the zucchini, and stir for another three minutes , finally add the bread cubes , and stir until the oil is dry , after they done put them in the refrigerator , , chop the ( cucumber , tomato, lettuce , onion) into small pieces then add the corn , then add the grilled vegetables .
Mix all together, then add the mayonnaise, the salt, the lemon, and the garlic, put it in the refrigerator until you serve it…

page: 77

BUTTER FLY SALAD sg’m Hl hgtvham

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