Sweet and sour fish سمك بصلصة السويت اند ساور 2024.

Sweet and sour fish

سمك ط¨طµظ„طµط© ط§ظ„ط³ظˆظٹطھ اند ساور


Filet fish cut cubs
Big onion cut
1 cans pineapple
Cold paper cut
1 big spoon tomato cut

Fish dip ingredients
1/4 glass corn flour
1 small spoon salt
2 glasses flour
2 big spoons biking powder
3 big spoons oil

Sauce ingredients
1/2 glass Chinese rice fingerer any kind of white venire
1/3 glass sugar
Dash of salt
1/4 glass pine apple juice
1/4 glass orange juice
1/4 glass ketchup
2 big spoons corn flour

Method of Preparation

Mix all the dipping ingredients together then dip the fish pieces inside it then fried them.
Mix all the sauce ingredients together and keep it on side , put little oil in a pan then add the vegetables , then the fish, then the sauce , when it’s about to boil add the pine apple and serve it.

page: 447

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