Salad al pang pang سلطة البانغ بانغ 2024.

Salad al pang pang

سلطة ط§ظ„ط¨ط§ظ†ط؛ بانغ


1cup daun khas dicing cang kasar
1cup daun baktunis d icing cang
1cup timun dicing cang sedang
Lombok hiju,kuning dibakar
2dada ayam digoring dan cing cang
2sm kecap
1sm wijen
1kotak magi halus
2siung bawang putih dicing cang
2sm mentega
Sedikit garm

Cara membuat

Taruh Lombok di dlm plastic selama 5menit.tutup rapat sampai berkerengat lalu taruh dlm air dingin biar mudah di kupas kulitnya .lalu dipotong sama timun .
Siapkan piring kidangan atur daun khas lalu daun baktunis dadi atasnya ditaruh paprika bakar dan masukan ayam
Tumis bawang putih dgn mentega dan masukan wijen sampai merah dan masukan magi,kecap dan grarm lalu diangkat lalu di siram di atas salad
Cara hias( sesuka selera)
Potong temun 4bagian2 trakher dilobangkan bentuk panci dan taruh saos dalmnya dan letakkn saos di piring dgn salad.


Salad al pang pang>>>>sg’m hgfhky fhky

Bang bang salad سلطة البانغ بانغ 2024.

Bang Bang salad

سلطة ط§ظ„ط¨ط§ظ†ط؛ بانغ


(1 glass lettuce (big mince
(1 glass parsley (fine mince
(1 glass cucumber (medium mince
1cold yellow paper grilled
1cold green paper grilled
2table spoons soya sauce
1slice chicken breast deep fried and mince
1big table spoon sesame
1cube chicken magi fine grounded
2garlic lubes
2table spoons butter
Dash of salt

Method of Preparation

Grill the chicken on oven, then put them in a plastic bag for five mentis, and close it well, so they will start sweating and well be easy to peel them.
Then take them out and wash them with cold water, then cut them the same thing you do with the cucumber.
Grape a serving plate, and cover it with the lettuce, put over it the parsley, then put the grilled paper.
Add the deep-fried mince chicken on it,, then start preparing the dressing by melting the butter on a pot, then add the garlic, and toast it quickly, then add the sesame, and stir well until they got the gold color, then add the magi cube, and the soya sauce with the salt, remove them of The oven, and flow this thick sauce on the salad, and now the salad is ready. At china they serve it with hot sauce, and you can creative the way you serve the hot sauce.
And this is one of the serving method, by having cucumber cut it equally into four pieces , take the last quarter , and remove the pulp and take care to keep the bass look like a pot and you can add the hot sauce inside it , put it in the middle of the salad , and serve it with Bang bang salad.

page: 389

Bang bang salad sg’m hgfhky fhky

Bang bang salad سلطة البانغ بانغ 2024.

Bang Bang salad

سلطة ط§ظ„ط¨ط§ظ†ط؛ بانغ


(1 glass lettuce (big mince
(1 glass parsley (fine mince
(1 glass cucumber (medium mince
1cold yellow paper grilled
1cold green paper grilled
2table spoons soya sauce
1slice chicken breast deep fried and mince
1big table spoon sesame
1cube chicken magi fine grounded
2garlic lubes
2table spoons butter
Dash of salt

Method of Preparation

Grill the chicken on oven, then put them in a plastic bag for five mentis, and close it well, so they will start sweating and well be easy to peel them.
Then take them out and wash them with cold water, then cut them the same thing you do with the cucumber.
Grape a serving plate, and cover it with the lettuce, put over it the parsley, then put the grilled paper.
Add the deep-fried mince chicken on it,, then start preparing the dressing by melting the butter on a pot, then add the garlic, and toast it quickly, then add the sesame, and stir well until they got the gold color, then add the magi cube, and the soya sauce with the salt, remove them of The oven, and flow this thick sauce on the salad, and now the salad is ready. At china they serve it with hot sauce, and you can creative the way you serve the hot sauce.
And this is one of the serving method, by having cucumber cut it equally into four pieces , take the last quarter , and remove the pulp and take care to keep the bass look like a pot and you can add the hot sauce inside it , put it in the middle of the salad , and serve it with Bang bang salad.

page: 389

Bang bang salad sg’m hgfhky fhky