Indian bites with yogurt لقيمات هنديه باللبن 2024.

Indian bites with yogurt

لقيمات ظ‡ظ†ط¯ظٹظ‡ باللبن


2 glasses chickpeas flour
1+1/2 glass milk
1 small spoon instant yeast
1 egg
1 small onion cut
5 pieces green hot pepper
2 big spoons grains cumin
Salt if need it

Method of Preparation

Mix the chickpeas flour with the egg, the milk, the yeast, the salt, then add the onion the pepper, and leave it to fermentation.
Roast the cumin grains until they become dark, fried the bites, prepare the yogurt in a bowel and add the roasted cumin, dip the bites in it, and leave it for few minutes, then serve it.

page: 307

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